Print, Logo Design, Corporate Branding, Web development and Online Marketing are but a few of the services offered at Ntensemedia. We offer everything from basic print layout and business card design to interactive multimedia.

Let's face it, you have to stand out from the competition. Let us help you define the identity that will help set you apart or simply expand on the one you have. Even simple flash pop-ups or 3D animation can help add personality to your site.

Should you use a form of print, a website, an interactive approach or a combination? We'll help you decide, then map out exactly how to get you to your goal.

Ntensemedia has developed several ASP plug-ins that were designed to integrate seamlessly with any site we develop. These include a web-based FTP plug-in, a content management plug-in, a web-based calendar and chat room.

Multimedia and video creation for presentations or commercials can benefit any company. Ntensemedia offers professional video editing for a fraction of what other firms charge.

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